Small Group


“We want as many as possible to join a small group!”

Small groups are an integral part of building community at Deni Baptist. Several groups meet in various homes during the week for mutual support, interactive Bible study, prayer, and the occasional social event.

Youth Group


Every second Friday night during the term – 7.30 pm to 9 pm for Years 6-12.

An opportunity for young people to get together, have some fun,
and learn a little about God’s purposes for them.

For more info, contact: Allana Moorse 0427843683

1:1 Bible Reading

We encourage people to meet together to be mutually encouraged by God’s Word and help each other grow spiritually!

Food and Fellowship


At various times we organise events to encourage people to meet together.

Hospitality Sunday happens a couple of times a year when several families host a small number of guests in their homes. Soup Sunday happens after the service every Sunday throughout winter at the church building.

Sharing our faith

Some events each year to make this job easier!ed by God’s Word and help each other grow spiritually!

Easter in the Park

Each year we hold a special event in Waring Gardens for the community. The event includes fun activities like our annual Easter egg hunt, free BBQ lunch, face-painting as well as an outdoor church service to share what Easter is all about in an informal and relaxed atmosphere.

Mission Week

A team from Wagga AFES joins us early December to run evangelistic focused activities in our high school and primary schools, as well as other events such as the ladies Gingerbread Night and the men’s Game Meat Night.